Virtual Resource Fair: Student Life, Equity and Engagement

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Student Government Assembly
three people icon

The Student Government Assembly (SGA) is a group of student leaders elected to represent all students of Santa Rosa Junior College. Anytime the college wants to make a change that affects students, SGA is at the table to be sure that the student voice is heard. Whether it is advocating for the needs of students, or hosting student life events, the SGA is here to make the student experience better at SRJC. Want to get involved? Visit our website.

Join A Club

hands with heart in center

The Santa Rosa and Petaluma campuses host over 50 different clubs each semester. Join a club to find others who share your interests and to make new friends. For updated contact information and meeting times, visit the club list.

Come Zoom with us!
laptop video meeting

Check out our online events calendar to find out what’s happening online this week!
Events list here.

Social Media Accounts
thumb up and heart in speech bubbles

Twitter: srjc_CubLife

Instagram: SRJC_CubLife and srjc_icc

Facebook: srjc.StudentLife and SRJCSGA

BearFacts Student eNewsletter

See current & past issues here